Believe it or not, traveling to Barbados and doing our IVF and all the Meds is so much cheaper than here in the states.
It's just so weird to coordinate all this stuff remotely and then imagine that it will all fall into place and work out. Dr Skinner in Barbados seems to be very knowledgable about immunology issues and my endo. I am just so nervous, we had two prior failed ivfs and none of the REs seemed to care about my endo or the fact that we kept losing our pregnancies at 5-7 weeks.
Hello- my husband and I are traveling in September to Barbados for our third IVF and I was hoping that there was someone else who may have travelled down there to vacation or to be a patient? I am also a patient of Dr Kwak Kim in Chicago for my auto immune issues, namely endo and natural killer cells.